Winter Harvest Planting Guide

Winter Harvest Planting Chart

Use our Winter Harvest Planting Chart as a guide, staggering your plantings for a seamless winter harvest. Keep in mind that the planting dates are back-scheduled from the last 10-hour day at your latitude. The number of weeks before the Persephone Period is calculated for each listed crop. The crops are grouped, as outlined in the key, to reflect their reliability for winter production success.

Overwintering Planting Chart

Use our Overwintering Planting Chart to time your planting dates for earliest spring harvest. Keep in mind that the planting dates are back-scheduled from the last 10-hour day at your latitude. The number of weeks before the Persephone Period is calculated for each listed crop. The crops are grouped, as outlined in the key, to reflect their reliability for overwintering success.


Organic, No­Till Urban Mini­Farming