Donate to OGS or Become a Member

Support a thriving food & farming community by funding:

  • Scholarships & Education for Marginalized Farmers & Growers

  • Business Training for Small Farmers

  • Individual & Community Skill-Building & Self-Reliance

  • Expansion of Ecologically-Based Growing Practices

  • Farmer Savings Incentive Programs

  • Food Sovereignty at Individual, Family, & Community Levels

OGS Membership

When you become a member, you can access the OGS Book Club, exclusive discounts from our partners, and 10% off OGS workshops and the Spring Conference.

Make a monthly contribution of $10 or more or an annual contribution of $120 or more. Your recurring donation shapes a sustainable future, granting you access to an enriching community dedicated to organic growing and living.

Donations are tax deductible!

Young woman working in field

Volunteer & Internship Opportunities

OGS depends on volunteers and interns to help out with events and internal projects that make the work we do such a success. Your involvement ensures that events run smoothly, and that the projects we do behind the scenes are adequately supported. It takes all of us to bring quality educational programming to the public.

OGS Employee and Speaker at Spring Conference

Job Openings

Sign up for our Newsletter to stay updated about future job opportunities!

The Board of Directors at OGS

Committee & Board Membership

Would you like to join our board or one of our committees to contribute to Organic Growers School's long-lasting impact? We're seeking team players who are passionate about our mission and committed to sustainability and food sovereignty. Apply today to build connections, educate, motivate, and effect positive change in the Southern Appalachians and beyond. Discover more about these opportunities in the application form provided below.